Membership of IAGA Division VI
1. General principle
The Division encourages participation of all scientists and students interested in the subject of electromagnetic induction in the Earth and planetary bodies in its scientific, educational, and social activities.
2. Membership structure
Membership of the Division consists of individual scientists and students.
3. Membership categories
For the purpose of the administration of the Division, different classes of membership are defined: full membership, life membership, and associate membership, and a student status.
- Full membership:
Full membership is for individuals who wish to participate in the administrative activities of the Division as well as in its scientific, educational, and social activities. It is restricted to individuals who:- have been registered as full, retired, or student delegates and attended an International Electromagnetic Induction Workshop (EMIW) within the last eight years, or
- have attended a Business Meeting of the Division at an IAGA or IUGG Assembly in the last eight years and have been a registered full, retired, or student delegates at that Assembly, and
- wish to be full members.
- Life membership:
Life membership is for individuals who have been actively involved in the activities of the Division for a large number of years who wish to continue to participate in the administrative activities of the Division of the Division but who no longer meet the EMIW/business meeting attendance requirement of full membership. It is restricted to individuals who:- have been full members for at least sixteen years, and
- wish to be full members.
- Associate membership:
Associate membership is for individuals who wish to be informed about the scientific, educational and social activities of the Division but who:- do not wish to participate in the administrative activities of the Division, or
- have not yet met the criteria for full membership
- Student status:
Full members or associate members may have student status. Student status is for individuals who are presently registered as an undergraduate or graduate student in a university or college academic program involving electromagnetic induction in the Earth and Planetary Bodies. Student status permits registration at International Electromagnetic Induction Workshop at a discounted rate and may be used to define eligibility for other student-related activities and benefits. Those with student status who meet the criteria for full membership are entitled to participate in the administrative activities of the Division.
4. Membership registry
The Division Committee (DC) will maintain a register of full, life, and associate members, and members with student status.
5. Appeals regarding membership
Any individual who wishes to challenge their membership status may appeal in writing to the Executive of the Division VI Committee.
Administration of Division Membership
Membership additions, changes, and removals
- Individuals who register as a student, scientist, or retired delegate and attend an International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction Workshop will have their names automatically added to the register of Division VI members as a full member or a full member with student status.
- Individuals who attend a Division VI Business Meeting at an IAGA or IUGG Assembly and who are registered as a student, scientist, or retired delegate at the assembly will have their names automatically added to the register of Division VI members as a full member or a full member with student status.
- Upon notifying the Division Committee (DC) Executive of the completion of their academic program, a full member, life member, or associate member with student status will become a regular full, life or associate member.
- At any time, a full member may request to be transferred to life membership or to associate membership or to have their membership cancelled. At any time a life member or associate member may request to have their membership cancelled.
- The register of members will be reviewed on a periodic basis (e.g., after each International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction). Previously full members who longer satisfy the criteria for full membership will be transferred to life membership, if eligible, or else to associate membership.
- To maintain the accuracy of the register, from time to time, registered members may be contacted at their specified e-mail address in order to verify their status. The absence of a response within a specified time frame or repeatedly bouncing e-mails may lead to cancellation of their membership. Student members may be contacted to confirm their student status.